First thing first, Enqi brought her per hamster again, while another 2 was brought by other friends. Two of the hamsters fought and one was bleeding, and we couldn't recognise which hamster was whose, cause their colours was about the same, so we knew because the on one of them there's a kind of perfume smell and that does not belong to Enqi. I just dunno how the hamster got the perfume smell.
Next, there's PE lessons and it's 2 PERIODS, 1 HOUR and 10 MINUTES, i was dying! We had to run TEN rounds around the school, and the last 5 round we need to go up and down the stairs! Total up 1.8KM! I'm just going to faint!
Next time one week got 2 PE period and one PE theory lesson. OMG! =x Heard that the theory lesson is where we will stay in class and discuss things about PE, What the... Why do we need this? Just can't wait for term 2 to be over!
Back in class Jarred laid onto the floor and because of his wet back the word "QUEST" was printed onto the floor. He just loved Queenstown too much! Haha......
After that is English, we learnt about how to replace the word "NICE" in essays, and when Mr Yuen want to explain the meaning of the words that for fill-in-the-blanks that we need to replaced the word "NICE" we all say "NICE" while he was trying to explain. Like when he say "Pleasant", we say "NICE" immediately. So funny!
Then got maths after recess, this year i was going crazy for most of the maths lesson. Today was one of the days, i got headache from what negative, positive, x, n, Blah blah blah... But dunno y i still like maths lesson.
Then to Mdm Tham's boring Science. Ai ya, that one don't feel like talking leh, but anyway just say lor. Today she want us to pass up the maths homework then some of us haven't finish to we rush, cos we only have about 30 mins but got 7 questions, and 1 question can fill up one full page of lines for us to answer, crazy one la. So we all like crazy fellows, borrow from each other to copy. Then my partner took a new one because she don't have the last page, then she cannot copy from the one she brought home cause she only did 1 question, so she there quickly do and copy from others. Then the teacher saw her copying, came and see, then she didn't keep the paper, so the teacher took hers and the paper that she was copying from and said want to give zero so we like dunno what to do la. causing the friend's paper to be taken away and given zero, in the end a letter was wrote. The friend crushed and tore the paper, so we thought that she was angry, but when my partner converse with her, surprisingly the other said it's never mind! She just so kind hearted!
Then that Mdm Tham left, geography was next, so far i still can cope with geography.
Just now when going off the bus, a lady asked me what school i was going. his it that she want to know? i dunno so i replied truthfully, then she ask my results and those kind of questions. She tell me that she was a tuition teacher and ask if i need tuition i said don't need cos i don't like tuition, then she ask my number and gave me hers, and said if need worksheet call her she can give me, and if i need tuition find me. Then we separated.
Hurray, tomorrow no home econs, don't need to see the teacher liao. Yeah!
Got to go! Bye! XOXO
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