Saturday, May 31, 2008
To trip to Vietnam was ok, fun but also tiring. will not talk much on that.
Then for camp, had fun, but the night sleeping in air-con room was so cold, but ok la.
Had games, campfire, and work. The campfire was very fun, we had fun singing and playing together. Not much on that la. But our patrol got second, for the overall points. Yay! Schwepps Rocks!
Had Cresent Girls' campfire today, it was exciting and enjoyable, singing songs, playing games together. We had one games where one of the Guide and one of the Scout from each school will have to transform them selves into a Princess if it's a gentleman, and into a Prince if it's lady. We got Brenna, and she had to dance along with one boy from ACS, then to guy carried her as both of them have to step onto a small piece of newspaper folded thrice. It was really an exciting sence. It was interesting.
Got to go. Bye! XD
Monday, May 26, 2008
Updates and Tag Replies
Tag Replies:
KH: Will relink u soon!:D
!Chicken: OMG!? Haha... Hope u like the picture to be posted... If not, sad 4 u! Ha!:)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Bukit Timah Hike
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finally, Ms Lau came to announce the rank of us in class and level. i didn't think that i would do well so was not really ken. When she announce the last ten, as i have expected, our two Blur Blur Tall Guys (J & S) really were in. After that it was time for the Top Ten in class, people like Rachel, Yuan Yuan, Mei Mei, Ying Ning were in, but when we came to The 7th in class i really didn't expect it to be me, and i was damn shocked. Good lor, like that won't get Scolding by parents, i was 13th in level, and had an overall percentage of 71.3%. Not really good 'cos didn't overtake EQ. But i don't mind 'cos i don't really think that i would overtake her as she has her best frenz help during CA1 (no Offence), luckily the BF didn't help her for SA1, if not she may be better. If u know it's u, no offence lor.
Castor today i think mood also not good, cause he no only last in class but also in level, don't know what to say to him, but Buck Up!
Rachel won marvin, as he was 8th in class, and she was just so happy about it.
Then come to guides, had two meetings for this two days already, but Rachel was not here 'cos she has Choir, so Crystal and I informed her most of the things that she need to know. Then got Walk-a-thon, crystal and i will be doing the cheers with some others while Rachel will have to be a mascot, as there are too many people wanting to do cheers. During the holidays also got alot of activities, but i felt good as this way the holiday will not be so boring like staying at home all day.'
I think nothing else liao, so going off. Bye bye.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Then, today is Mr Koh's (PE Theory teacher) last day, got his contact number and email.
AS for last two periods is CME, Ms Lau not here, so the class play like crazy.
After that got Breifing by Mrs Dass and Ms Lim for holiday activites for guides.
End at about 2.20pm, whereas i have malay lesson at 2.15, so rushed like 'Xiao' only bought a drink then went to class.
So the day ended, also Bye bye.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tag replies and ?
Jeremy: Thank you
!Chicken: Like that special mah
Sunday went to Korean restaurant with family then saw a wet tissue that is shaped into a coin then when in touched with water it will expand, then can be opened up into a piece of tissue.
Today, a relief teacher come and relief Ms lau. Mr Yap, he quite funny la, giving all those tricky question. Then Mr Yuen lesson, we see all those drawings which have two different pictures in one, like besides seeing a donkey in the drawing, people may also find a frog in it. As for Chinese, we have enrichment class, have we learnt "jian zhi" and "zhong guo jie", quite fun.
Nothing special liao. Gtg. BB
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tag reply to !chicken
I've linked u, and i have the link section named as 'AFFILIATES'. Check it out!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Wat to do?
'cos yesterday when she come back from overseas,
i never say hi,
'cos i reading storybook,
and dunno that shecome back,
so she angry lor.
My handphone bill also because about $44,
she so angry.
i sun understand her,
bill only $44,
not really ex wad,
other frenz also about $50 wad!
today because she angry,
she dun let me go and find my grandmother.
never mind lor,
got time i go find my grandmother on my own.
She can do nothing about me anyway.
Gtg, bye.
CCA Resume
have to wait for teacher to find cos i pass up liao.
the friend used green,
making Kristy's hand looking like the 'Hulk'.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Why must this kind of natural disasters happen in this world?!
so come and post a post.
Now feeling very sad,
'cos i read the newspapers about the China Earthquake.
I felt very sad, sorry, pity, touched, and many other feelings.
Sad, sorry, pity,
'cos many ppl lost their homes, family in this earthquake,
and the news shows many scary and depressed photos of the victims crying, injured, dead.
The front page of 'wan bao' even showed that almost all the houses collapsed,
and when i looked at it at first,
i really don't know what is the picture about.
I read it,
and i think that tears are over-whelming the corners of my eyes that time.
I didn't really finish all the news about the earthquake which was about 6-8pages,
i only read a few pages, and stopped,
'cos i cannot force myself to continue reading it anymore.
i mention that I'm touched,
as i read the news about one of the leaders in china, wen jia bao,
visited the children who lost their families and homes,
and asked them to be strong.
I think that it is very touching,
and many ppl from all over the world have donated money, daily necessities .e.g. to them.
I really hope that the victims will try to get over the deaths of their family members or friends,
and resume to their old lifestyle as soon as possible no matter where they are.
I don't have the ability to do anything,
so i would pray for them,
and if possible try to donate some things to them...
Why must this kind of natural disasters happen in this world?!
i don't understand,
but i think that it is a obstacle that god wants us as humans to overcome.....
Happy Or Sad Day?
Start with art, Got only 88/100 so bad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Literature - 39/60
English - Paper 1=Section1=19/30
- Paper 2 =35/60
- Total = 64/120
Chinese - Paper 1= Letter Writing=11/20
= Compo=48/70
- Paper 2 =53/90
- Listening=20/20
Maths- Paper 1=25/50
- Paper 2=39/50
- Total =64/50
Science-Section A =20/30
- Section B = 49/70
- Total = 69/100
Very Sad. *CRIES*
Today got a lot of problems happening, including Crystal's Birthday Party, this and that.
Going to have a huge headache.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Today, went out after school with crystal and RK.
First took MRT to RK's house then out of boredom went to walk around the neighbourhood.
Then went to the petrol station and bought some food as lunch.
We walk back to her house, while her grandmother at home, and wait for crystal's phone call while using the com.
Finally decided to go Suntec as the other places are either too boring or we often get there.
RK and I got change and took the train to City Hall.
While waiting for Crystal, we walked around City Link Mall and got a book from MPH, and now halfway reading through it. Very Nice.......
Crystal finally reached and we went to Food Republic and got food, very expensive.
Then we walked around bought things, discuss things, play a fool, take photos this and that.
Then, when we going home, we found a way to solve crystal's Invitation Cards her birthday party, won't tell you, SECRET! Haha...
But the materials that she bought was super expensive, but we think that it's worth it la.
Then went to take the train to go home.
Because one friend don't allow, so only can put one pic sorry......

Ended, sad, but wish to go out more next time. BB
Monday, May 12, 2008
Maths, Science, Eng, Lit, Geo, Art, HCL, F&N. All not easy, especially Geo, Sci, Maths are more difficult.
Just wish exams to be over.
Holidays are gonna be so busy, got 2 camp, going vietnam with family, and some other place, give details when confirm.
That's all.!