Start with art, Got only 88/100 so bad.

So Ugly Right....
Then F&N not really bad la.
Theory, Part 1 72/80 then Part 2 32.5/36
Then finally the scary Geography,
Part 1 actually got 29.5/60 (fail by that little i really cannot believe it)
Insert 28/30.
Then minus this and add that become 30.5/60
although just pass, but at least pass la
So total up become 57.5/100.
For Semester 1 i got 64.3 so B3,
But 11th in class.
Science got 70 something,
so A2,
and 12th in class,
for semester 1.
Today so sad.
Then borrowed specs from Jun Wei then i looked like this

So Strange!
Then went to the like the SMRT Coporation Ltd,
Not so bad la,
but a little bit boring.
We see how they operate, this and that.
Today, not so special
not like that time when we go to old folks home
and we sang on the way home on the bus,
it was just so fun.
But we didn't have that kind of fun now,
hope that we can get back to the old times,
where the class is more bonded.
By the way,
today the PE lesson,
we played captain's ball with 1B girls,
two of the girls from 1B join us,
then we won.
After that we restarted the game,
but most of 1C girl quit playing,
then time is finally up.
Timeees passed so the day ended, but tomorrow will still ba tiring,
cos of exam results,
mum went overseas (tomorro come back),
but still got dad
Accept Fate!
Going to post some pics.

GTG! ByeB!
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